Ensure proper staff hygiene and pest prevention with the food safety practices taught in this course.
This food safety course will teach you proper food handling practices that will protect your food-service operation. As many as 582 million people experience food-borne diseases every year. Hence, food safety is extremely important to food-related businesses of any size. This course will ensure when working with food, you are able to prevent foodborne illness, contamination, allergic reactions and the spread of disease.
Diploma in Food Safety
his course will first introduce you to the principles behind good personal hygiene and its management. You will study the importance of water quality and learn about the regulations and customer requirements related to water quality, ice, and steam. The course will also cover the subject of pest control and product contamination control where you will learn corrective actions that need to be taken to minimize the risk of pest infestation.You will then study the correct sanitization and personal cleanliness guidelines that should be followed by employees as well as how to put together a cleaning schedule. You will study food purchasing, receiving, storage, preparation, and sanitation and learn the causes and prevention of unsafe food, foodborne illnesses, and food service accidents. You will then study the role of management in the food-service industry and the "lead by example" concept. Finally, you will learn the importance of proper staff training as well as inspections for the consistency of sanitation standards.Maintaining a top quality food business while ensuring unsurpassed hygiene is a big responsibility. By learning the best practices and procedures taught in this free online Diploma in Food Safety course, you will help ensure that you meet this responsibility. The course is specifically designed for aspiring food safety managers working in food processing plants, restaurants, and any food service operation, and aims to make learning about this important subject as clear as possible. Check out the course today, and bring your professional skills to the next level.This business administration certification will discuss essential administrative duties and the role of technology in fulfilling these duties. You will learn the purpose of the chairperson in a meeting, their formal responsibilities and the arrangements and actions of the business administrator which includes planning and organising meetings as well as follow-up actions. The course content discusses business travel, how to obtain travel-related information, business travel policies and how to stay within budget. Good customer service is another important part of business operations and this course will teach you how to handle customer issues, how to treat customers, how to use product knowledge and expertise to deliver tailored customer service as well as how customer and consumer expectations can be met. Content discussed in this administration management course covers situation-specific company guidelines, induction, training and corporate communications updates. Content then explored is product and service quality and how maintaining high standards avoids customer losses and complaints. In the last part of this course, the production of high-quality documents is discussed in detail along with different types of documents and processes you might be involved in and the reasons and benefits of using supportive technology such as Microsoft (MS) Office.
If you want to learn comprehensive and effective business administration skills and are a student looking to learn new skills or an administration professional wanting to refine their competencies, then start this Diploma in Business Administration today.